The Hummingbird, The Zinnias
The hummingbird.
The zinnias.
The hummingbird.
The zinnias.
The hum.
The hum-um-ummmm.
The zin. The zin, zin - zoom with
coordinates locked.
Bliss is a kiss, is a zin-zin.
Color me, says hummingbird,
honey me for the trip.
There’s a time - drip in the nectar clock,
no stopwatch for the seconds.
Talk of Time’s wingèd! No
though somewhere within
body’s boom & thrum, a fly-wheel
What can you catch of the hummer,
slow spectator?
Sipping your
coffee or tea. Brazilian or zin-zin-cinnamon.
Your tongue saying Zanzibar.
Mind blown by the
ruby and emerald needle honing in,
sewing a seam in cloth
you’re included in, Big Flower.
Then needle says Flash,
puts in reverse zipper,
the sky and your heart.